Asia and Oceania
- Mandarin Chinese (traditional and
simplified (Taiwan and Hong Kong))
- Burmese (Myanmar)
- Thai
- Indonesian
- Malaysian
- Khmer (Cambodian)
- Vietnamese
- Korean
- Laotian
- Tagalog
- Mongolian
- Malati
- Tetum
- Hindi
North America
- English (US)
- French (Canada)
Latin America
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Spanish
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Italian
- Russian
- English
- Portuguese
- Dutch
- Irish Gaelic
- Greek
- Czech
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Finnish
- Polish
- Romanian
- Albanian
- Hungarian
- Turkish
- Danish
- Latvian
- Estonian
- Lithuanian
Middle East and Africa
- Arabic
- Persian
(Farsi, Iranian)
- Hebrew
- Luganda
- Kiryarwanda
- Swahili
We also handle other languages not listed-please do not hesitate to inquire.
- In the case of text translations, our estimate is based on the volume of text.
- Our translation rates are based on the number of Japanese characters (or in the case of translations into Japanese, the number of words in the source text).
- We establish a page rate depending on the presence or absence of layout (DTP) work, with a separate estimate based on the specifications of the work to be done.
Please let us know the particulars of your request in the contact form below. One of our coordinators will contact you shortly.